Friday, July 6, 2007

Module 6- IS DONE!!!!

Hi all,

I've finnally gotten Module 6 done.
My favorite part of the whole thing was getting to work with Camtasia's screen video function. I think that is the best program that I have seen. I showed you all my Flash tutorials that I did for my masters program at U of MN. However, I don't have server space, so I sent it on to Janet. Hopefully, she can get it up into WebCT for you to see.

Here is my SnagIt. My friend Chris (Who's in our class) gave us the link here at UNLV. It is one of the coolest websites I know of because it allows you to use all of the search engines at one time. Is that not cool or what?

1 comment:

Paul Kawachi said...

Hi Ginger,
It is interesting to hear about your SnagIt and using all the search engines at once. Search engines differ very much from each other teoma and clusty for instances give results in clusters, not in lists, and highway 61 give mainly popular culture, other search engines are safe for kids (hi Pam !!) and so on. So I am afraid I dont understand why anyone would want to search using all the search engines at once. To me it is like getting tons and tons and tons of food on ones plate when all one wanted was the song lyrics to Jupiter...
Just a short comment.
Dictionaries too are all different - we need to choose which ones suit our purposes and use them accordingly.
All Best Wishes